About Thái Hà

Thái Hà is a curator and translator whose practice centres speculation, dreaming, play, and improvisation. Hà was a participant of the 12th Berlin Biennale Curator’s Workshop, directed by Reem Shadid. Between 2020–2021, with support from Galerie Quynh, she received a grant to produce CáRôan arts education workshop for highschool students in Saigon. In 2018, she co-founded the now-dormant Indigo Magazine, a London-based platform for new voices from Southeast Asian arts and beyond. Her translations can be found in publications by the Tate St Ives, Carnegie Museum of Art, Asian Art Biennial, ArtReview, and NUSASONIC. In 2023, together with Ném Space, Hà organised Films for liberation: Palestine forever, an action of unwavering solidarity that turns to cinema as a tool for mobilisation and education; the month-long programme travelled from Saigon to Hanoi, Kobe, and Tokyo.
Hà holds an MA in Contemporary Art and Art Theory of Asia and Africa from SOAS, and a BSc in Psychology and Language Sciences from UCL. She is currently working at Nguyen Art Foundation as a curator.